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Research Doctorate Programmes

The Faculty has a long standing tradition in Doctorate Programmes.
The first Doctorate Programme in Economics was started in 1985 by the then Department of Economics (DEA), just after the publication of the law instituting doctorate programmes in a selected number of Italian Universities.
It soon became known as one of the leading PhD programmes in economics in Italy, with brilliant students of other Universities coming to attend our graduate courses.
To date approximately 180 students graduated from our PhD programmes , among them a number of international residents.
In the last years new Doctorate programmes were set up by the Departments of the Faculty.


Doctorate Programmes Coordinator Email
Economics Prof. Riccardo Lucchetti              
Management and Law Prof.ssa Caterina Lucarelli


The PhD programmes last three years. The first year is devoted to advanced courses. Students are admitted to the second year of the programme upon passing the exams at the end of the first year. The second and third year are devoted to the development of the PhD thesis. In this period students may be required to attend seminars organised by the Programme Line. At the end of the third year candidates submit the thesis and defend it in front of a panel of examiners.


The Doctorates Programmes welcome applications of brilliant students from all countries.
The number of scholarships available is variable and set every year by the University. A number of applicants equal of inferior to the number of scholarships available can be admitted without financial support. To be admitted students must pass a formal exam.
A further number of places is available, without scholarship, to Non EU citizens. In this case admission is granted on the basis of the CV of the applicant. As an alternative Non EU citizens can choose to apply to places with scholarship undergoing the relative entry examination.


The deadline for applications for years 2015 is
15th September, 2014


For general information about rules of admission of International students to Doctorate programmes please visit the website of the Italian Ministry of Higher Education:

For more specific information (visa, accommodation, support for international students, etc.) please contact UNIVPM International Office

For application deadlines, documents etc please contact UNIVPM Doctorate Office

For information about contents of the programme of your choice please send an email to the coordinator.