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University sports centre (CUS)

The university sports centre is a non-profit association whose primary aim is to make sports an integral part of the university environment and to offer students the chance of practicing a healthy and recreational sport.

The centre is located in Via Grotta di Posatora 19/a, tel. 071/44213 or 071/2207071 and it can be reached by bus number 3 or 31 from Piazza Ugo Bassi. It has the following facilities:

  • 3 tennis courts
  • 2 gyms
  • 1 football field
  • 1 field for indoor soccer with synthetic grass
  • 1 workout gym
  • 1 ring for bowls
  • 2 ample parking lots

The centre is also affiliated with various sport centres in Ancona three of which have swimming pools available. For costs and fees for each activities please visit

The association also offers students the possibility of summer and winter vacations at special prices. In winter, students can choose a one-week skiing holiday in the Alps at locations such as Fai della Paganella, Monte Civetta, or Folgaria in Trentino-Alto Adige, full board and skiing lessons included. In summer, they can opt for a week in Sardinia, Sicily, or Trentino at about the same prices with summer sports lessons such as sailing and windsurfing included.

It is also important for the foreign student to note that as Ancona is located on the Adriatic Sea, once the good weather starts, one can enjoy the nearby beaches. From the town centre you can walk to the Passetto (1 km.) for sunbathing, or swimming (in the sea or at the swimming pool), or you can choose to go to the sandy beach of Palombina (buses run year round) or the lovely pebble beach of Portonovo located on the beautiful Riviera del Conero just 15 kms away. From mid-June to mid-September buses run daily from Piazza Cavour, the main town square, and the resort has ample bathing establishments, free beaches, picnic spots and restaurants. It offers a chance for swimming, windsurfing, boating, fishing and hiking.

The university sports centre is a non-profit association whose primary aim is to make sports an integral part of the university environment and to offer students the chance of practicing a healthy and recreational sport.