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Faculty Coordinator: Prof. Alessia Lo Turco

The Faculty strongly encourages students to spend a period of studies in one of the partner institutions, considering this experience an essential part of the student formation, a valuable asset on the labour market, and a fundamental step in bringing together the different European cultures. Students are selected on merit. Credits earned abroad are fully recognised.
The Faculty has Bilateral Agreements with 67 European Universities corresponding to a portfolio of more than 150 Erasmus scholarships and every year sends abroad a number of students corresponding to about 20% of the students enrolled in third year undergraduate programmes.
This high percentage contributes substantially to the high ranking of the Faculty among the Italian Faculties of Economics.

Outgoing students
For places available, application deadlines, selection criteria and learning agreement guidelines please visit the UNIVPM webpage
and/or contact the Faculty of Economics International Office

Incoming Students
The Faculty warmly welcomes European students to come and study in Ancona.

On-line Registration:

You can choose to follow courses taught in Italian or in English.  

Go to for the list and the Syllabus of all the courses offered by the Faculty.

Go to for English taught courses' timetables.

Go to to get full timetables.

In addition to the regular courses you can apply for the Global Consulting Program. For International students GCP is worth 9 ECTS credits.
You can improve your knowledge of Italian following, free of charge, courses at the beginner and intermediate level especially set up for you by our University Language Centre (CSAL). Each course is worth 5 ECTS credits.

In preparing your application please take account of the following:
You may include in your learning agreement all the courses offered by the Faculty, for a maximum of 30 ECTS credits each semester;
Once in Ancona you can change your learning agreement and submit it for approval to the Faculty Erasmus Coordinator by 15th November for courses that will be attended in the 1st semester, and by 15th  March for courses of the 2nd semester. The learning agreements will be formally approved by the Faculty Council;
At the end of the exchange, the transcript of records attesting the credits earned and the grades of the exams taken will be issued by the Erasmus Office.


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For enquiries and assistance please contact:
External Relations Office
Faculty of Economics International Office