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Teaching rooms are located in Caserma Villarey, Piazzale Martelli, 8.

Lecture Rooms on the lower floor
Room S1     86 places
Room S2     86 places
Room S3     136 places
Lecture Rooms on the ground floor
Room A     332 places
Room A1     156 places
Room A2     156 places
Room T3     50 places
Room T4     50 places
Room T7     50 places
Room T8 (with computers for ECDL )     36 places
Room T9     36 places
Room T10     36 places
Room T13     108 places
Room T27     108 places
Room T30     50 places
Room T31     50 places
Room T32     50 places
Room T33     50 places
Room T36     50 places
Room T37     50 places
Lecture Rooms on the first floor
Room B     348 places
Room B1     108 places
Room B2     108 places
The Computer Centre:
Room 1     20 places
Room 2     20 places
Lecture Rooms on the second floor
Room C     280 places
The "Virtual Firm" Laboratory
First floor     40 places
Study Rooms
There are three study rooms available comprising 210 places located on the ground floor.