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Admission of International Students

IEC welcomes International students.


  1.  International students with an Italian Bachelor Degree
  2.  Italian and EU students with a foreign Degree
  3.  Non EU students residing abroad

Required Qualifications

Admission of International students to IEC is subject to the possession of:

a)  a first level university degree in Economics or Business/Management Studies. Students with university degrees in other areas may also apply. In this case the Admission Committee will evaluate the suitability of the degree;

b)      a B2 level of English. Students that possess the level but not the certification (FCE, IELTS 5.5 and above, TOEFL iBT 69 and above) will be asked to sit a Skype interview to assess their level of English.

How to apply

1. International students holding an Italian Bachelor Degree (Laurea).

Please see the page Ammissione studenti italiani

2. Italian (including those with double nationality) and other EU citizens holding a foreign degree.

The enrolment procedure is in 4 steps

Step 1: Pre-acceptance procedure. 


You can submit your pre-application online at our web platform. The pre-evauation procedure is now open!

Step 2: Admission Procedure.

The  Admission Committee (AC) will examine your pre-application documentation and if appropriate will send you a "letter of eligibility for admission" and you can start to prepare the documents for the enrolment procedure according to step 3 below. Such eligibility allows applicants to proceed to the next step

Step 3: Application at the Universitaly web portal.

Contact the Italian Embassy in your country or the Italian Consulate nearest to you and follow their instruction

Documents 1 and 2  must be legalized by the competent local authorities and accompanied by a translation into Italian by a certified translator/public notary (please check with the Italian Embassy/Consulate about the right procedure).

The Embassy will:
- issue the “declaration of value” of your university degree;
- certify the other documents.

NB.  EU students and non-EU equivalent students may replace the exams certificate with the “Diploma Supplement” for academic qualifications issued by universities in the European Higher Education Area (Bologna Process).

Step 4: ENROLMENT AT UNIVPM    (from July 15 to November 2022)

Accepted candidates have to complete the enrolment procedure at the Università Politecnica delle Marche submitting the following documents to the “Segreteria Studenti”

·         a signed copy of the application for enrolment (to be downloaded and printed);

·         the receipt of payment of the first instalment of the tuition fee;

·         1 front and back photocopy of your ID card or other valid identity document;

·         2 passport photos

·         the original of your university degree and of the exams certificate accompanied by the certified translations (the exam certificate can be replaced by the Diploma Supplement);

·         declaration of value issued by the Embassy or Consulate of the applicants' home country;

·         official syllabus of the learning activities completed to obtain the foreign academic qualification, on the headed paper of the foreign university with stamp and signature;

·         copy of the residence permit or receipt, confirming the application for the permit (only for non-EU equivalent students).

3. Non-EU citizens resident abroad

The enrolment procedure is in four steps

Step 1: Pre-acceptance procedure. 

You can submit your pre-application online at our web platform

The local Italian Embassy or Consulate might set a deadline of their own for their services (see Step 3), please contact them for further

Step 2: Admission Procedure.

The  Admission Committee (AC) will examine your documentation and if appropriate send an email to set up the date for a skype interview. If the interview is positive UNIVPM will send you a "letter of eligibility for admission" and you can start to prepare the documents for the enrolment procedure according to step 3 below.

Step 3: Pre-enrolment through the Italian Embassy/Consulate

Please note that the letter of eligibility doesn’t substitute the compulsory pre-enrolment through the Italian Embassy or Consulate in your home country within due date, as established in each country by the Italian Embassy.

Please contact the Italian Embassy in your country or the Italian Consulate nearest to you as soon as possible and present:

1.       the pre-enrollment application Pre-enrollment is usually available at Italian Embassies from end of March to the beginning of July   

2.      your university degree;

3.      a certificate issued by the competent academic authority listing the exams you have passed;

4.      official study programme including all the learning activities completed to obtain the foreign academic qualification, on the headed paper of the foreign university, with stamp and signature.

5.      4 passport photos;

6.      the letter of eligibility sent by UNIVPM.


Documents 2 and 3 must be legalized by the competent local authorities and accompanied by a translation into Italian by a certified translator/public notary (please check with the Italian Embassy/Consulate about the right procedure).

The Embassy will:
- issue the “declaration of value” of your university degree;
- certify the other documents;

- provide an authenticated passport photo and an entry visa to Italy.


Step 4: ENROLMENT AT UNIVPM (from July 15 to November 2022)

Accepted candidates have to complete the enrolment procedure at the Università Politecnica delle Marche submitting the following documents to the “Segreteria Studenti”:

·         a signed copy of the application for enrolment (to be downloaded and printed);

·         the receipt of payment of the first instalment of the tuition fee;

·         copy of the passport and Visa for “STUDIO”;

·         2 passport photos;

·         the original of your university degree and of the exams certificate accompanied by the certified translations;

·         declaration of value issued by the Embassy or Consulate of the applicants' home country;

·         official syllabus of the learning activities completed to obtain the foreign academic qualification, on the headed paper of the foreign university with stamp and signature, translated into Italian;

·         copy of the residence permit or receipt, confirming the application for the permit (only for non-EU equivalent students);