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Academic bodies

The Faculty governing bodies are:

  1. the Dean
  2. the Faculty Board
  3. the Dean's Committee, where formed
  4. didactic committees in those cases in which there are no specific study programme committees.

The Dean
The Dean is elected by permanent professors on the Faculty Board. He chairs the Faculty Board and represents that same body.

The main responsibilities that the law requires the Dean to carry out relate to the supervision of disciplines within the Faculty. He/she must make sure that the rules and regulations pertaining to the organization and running of the Faculty are strictly adhered to. The term of office is three years and re-election is possible.

The Faculty Board
The main responsibilities of the Faculty Board are to plan students' general programmes of study, and to act on indications relative to the enrolment of students and professors. It must also give information about study programmes and courses, arrange and co-ordinate the timetable and propose eventual changes or reforms referring to didactic matters. It is referred to in an advisory capacity on any matter that the Chancellor or Dean maintains important for examination and discussion.

It is chaired by the Dean and comprises all professors and associate professors, lecturers and assistants. During meetings student representatives who have the right to make proposals pertaining to student interests may intervene.

Faculty Board Committees

The Didactic Committee
Its responsibility is to address all educational issues at the university. It is nominated for one academic year.

The Dean's Committee
The Dean's Committee is elected by the Faculty Board among its members. The Dean proposes a select group of candidates from which a minimum of three to a maximum of seven members can be chosen.
The Committee lasts for one year and in any case it folds once the Dean that proposed it is no longer in office.
The Committee assists the Dean in carrying out the decisions of the Faculty Board. The Board may decide to delegate specific functions, except those that may not be delegated by law or by the regulations of the University. The committee also manages administrative and bookkeeping activities.

Other Committees
Temporary committees can be set up to address specific issues.