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The Multimedia Language Centre

The principal aim of the CSAL is to offer linguistic services and facilities for research, linguistic activities and cultural exchanges.

The language centre has a multi-media centre (the Mediateca) for the self-study of modern languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian and Russian. It comprises a language laboratory for active comparative listening that allows students to work on individualised listening and speaking programmes autonomously. It also has the following features:

  • a multimedia room with personal computers and self-study language courses on hard disk or cd-roms.
  • an audio/visual laboratory with individual audio/visual places to watch films and follow video language courses. Each place comprises a T.V. screen, a V.C.R. and headphones. It is also possible to watch and record satellite T.V.
  • a newspaper and periodical library where users can consult materials in different languages.
  • a traditional library where dictionaries, language learning courses and literature are made available for consultation and research.

Users of the CSAL may work autonomously or can, if they wish, be guided in their studies by mother-tongue assistants. These tutors are available to suggest specific programmes of study for precise language needs and are on hand to give on-the-spot language advice and help when required. They can evaluate and verify if students are using the above mentioned services to their maximum benefit.
The secretaries' offices at the CSAL are at Villarey, but they are also responsible for the CSAL at the Faculty of Engineering. To use the services at the CSAL, any official university document will suffice, for example the university library card. All materials in the Mediateca are to be consulted on the premises only, but reading books and back numbers of newspapers and periodicals may be borrowed for certain periods of a time. No materials in the Mediateca may be photocopied except those produced by the staff at UNIVPM.

International Language Examinations

The centre is also the seat of the following language certificates:

The English Language

  • PET (Preliminary English Test)
  • FCE (First Certificate in English)
  • CAE (Certificate of Advanced English)

The French Language

  • Level B1 DELF (A1,A2,A3,A4)
  • Level B2 DELF (A6,A6)
  • Level C2 DALF (B1,B2,B3,B4)

The German Language

  • FiD1 (Fit in Deutsch 1)
  • FiD2 (Fit in Deutsch 2)
  • ZD (Zertifikat Deutsch)
  • ZDfB (Zertifikat Deutsch für den Beruf)

The Italian Language

  • CELI (Certificato di conoscenza della lingua italiana) 1,2,3,4
  • CIC 1- CIC 2( Certificato italiano commerciale)

The Spanish Language

  • C.I.E. (Certificado Inicial de Espanol)
  • D.B.E. (Certificado Bàsico de Espanol)
  • D.S.E. ( Certificado Superior de Espanol)

Preparation courses for these tests are offered at the centre as well as seminars for the preparation of the TOEFL ( Test of English as a Foreign Language) which can be taken in Milan. Exchange students are welcome to attend preparation courses for these certificates.

For further information please see: and contact the language assistants.

Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m.- 6:30 p.m.

Italian Language Course

As most of the lessons at UNIVPM are in Italian (language lessons and some doctoral units excepted), students must have a fair command of the language in order to attend lectures.

The CSAL runs courses in Italian as a foreign language for all the University ERASMUS students and other international project students. The aim of these courses is, on the one hand, to better acquaint students with the Italian language and, on the other hand, to provide more specific knowledge linked to the technical language used in each Faculty.

Lessons are given by an expert teacher who develops a syllabus using modern technology specifically tailored to meet the linguistic problems of students with diverse cultural backgrounds. Courses of Italian language are provided at two levels: elementary (c.66 hours) and intermediate (c.66 hours). Each level corresponds to 5 ECTS credits. During first semester courses start mid-September and during second semester courses begin mid-January. The courses also include supplementary didactic and cultural visits.

The attribution of credits is limited to Erasmus exchange students. The programmes and the tests at the end of the course follow the criteria set up by the Council of Europe for the A2 (Basic User) and B1 (Threshold Level) levels. A special three-member commission will preside over the examination procedures.

In addition to lessons, all students can utilise language learning tutoring available during the entire academic year as well as tutoring in Italian for special purposes. Several meetings will be scheduled for students to practise interviewing and taking university examinations.

There is also a Tandem Program which offers foreign students an opportunity to socialise with Italian students in order to improve intercultural relations.

For further information please contact Dott.ssa Paola Fattorini at the CSAL (Tel. 071/2207170).