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The Computer Centre

The Computer Centre

The CeSMI constitutes the multimedia and information technology system that is dedicated to the didactics and research of the University.
It favours the development of multimedia through the technological convergence of information technology, telecommunication systems and microelectronics.
The Faculty of Economics "Giorgio Fuà" provides its students with a computer centre that has two classrooms with 20 personal computers and a printer each. Students are allowed access to the centre on reservation and they can use it for didactic purposes.
Students also have access to databases for statistics, bibliographic databases like "Econlit", the catalogue of complete works is to be found in the Faculty Library, and Internet specifically for examination enrolment.

The centre assigns each student who uses a computer a user ID and a password with which they can run their e-mail post box and surf the Internet free of charge. The Faculty of Economics "Giorgio Fuà" also uses the centre as a didactic support for many courses. Students will have a chance to take a course on the use of computers and carry out practical exercises with software such as SAS and Eviews.

The European Computer Driving License (ECDL)

Students can prepare for the ECDL in an especially equipped rooms on the ground floor and can acquire the certification at the Faculty of Engineering of the University.
The centre also allows students to use its facilities for the preparation of their theses. Should students require further details on regulations or wish to book a computer, they can call (071) 2207022/23 or see the staff at the centre.

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Saturday 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.